The dog was going potty in the air vent.

Every morning, I was coming apartment from work, in addition to there was a horrible odor in my house.

I looked around, although I saw nothing that would cause that kind of stench… My wife came apartment that evening in addition to asked when I was going to scrub the house, she told me she had been stinking that odor for weeks now, in addition to it was about time I pulled out a mop in addition to started cleaning.

I worked as much as she did, in addition to I told him she could also pull out a mop in addition to start cleaning if the odor bothered him so much. I took a morning off toil so someone would be apartment for the Heating & A/C specialist I called. I cleaned, in addition to the people I was with and I were still stinking the odor. It seemed stronger when the heat came on in addition to I was thinking it could be something from the gas furnace. When the Heating & A/C specialist arrived, I could see her nose wrinkle. She asked if the people I was with and I had pets. I had 1 cat, although I couldn’t guess the odor was from her in addition to not the gas furnace. I cleaned her little box every morning, because I hated the stink. She said it stinked prefer dog pee. I suddenly realized that the litter box didn’t seem to be used as much as it should be. She went through the downstairs, in addition to she stopped by the air vent in the kitchen; The Heating & A/C specialist was certain that all the odor was coming from that air vent. Both of us sat there talking when I saw the dog squat over the air vent. Our dog gets crated when we’re not home, in addition to the people I was with and I banned her from the kitchen where she was using the air vent as a litter box.

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