My wonderful husband fixed our air conditioner

My wonderful husband fixed our air conditioner.

I love the sweet and handsome man that I married. He hasn’t always been the handyman. He was never taught by his father how to fix things around the house, so when we were first married, we had to hire people to come fix things around the house. When we had our first child, I had to stop working for a little bit, so finances got a little tighter, and we could not afford to hire anyone to fix things around the house. My husband decided that he was going to learn to fix things no matter how difficult it was for him. It has been over ten years since then, and he has turned out to be quite the handyman. I love watching him work and learn how to fix things that he has never fixed before. Our air conditioner started acting weird a few weeks ago. It would turn off before the house was down to temperature, and the house always seemed to be quite a bit warmer than what we wanted it to be. My husband noticed the issue with the air conditioner, but he didn’t have time to fix it a few weeks ago. The air conditioner got worse and worse each day until it just stopped working altogether. I called my husband up, and his boss let him off of work early to fix the air conditioner. He was able to discover the problem and fix it within a few hours. He is truly an amazing man. He fixed our air conditioner even though he had never done any HVAC related work before.

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