Switching to a natural gas furnace

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to switching over to propane or natural gas.

Money is very tight these days, I’m sure you can relate to that! My wife Jane and I have been cutting corners every place we can, trying to reduce our monthly expenses so we can start to plan for the future.

One of those plans involves giving the house a few small upgrades, to help us be more efficient and have greater sustainability. At the start of the summer, the local utility company doubled its prices, which was a crushing blow to our budget. Since we rarely use the air conditioning, Jane and I have discussed switching over to propane or natural gas. Natural gas can save us a lot of money on our heating expenses, and also connects to the stove for cooking. We can’t cut ourselves off from electricity, but if we use this fuel for our heating and cooking, it will save us several hundred dollars a year. A natural gas furnace is actually more reliable than electric, in addition to being more affordable. When the furnace is connected to natural gas it doesn’t matter if the power goes out, your heating system still works fine! It is rare that we make it through an entire winter without some kind of power outage, so the natural gas furnace is actually safer for us to use. I need to contact the local HVAC contractor to have an estimate done, so I can find out how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

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