Getting rid of old items

I have a really bad habit of getting attached to insignificant objects.

I know they are insignificant and mean nothing, but I can’t help myself.

I guess I am kind of a hoarder, and all of these items are jammed into my attic. It got so bad that one time when I went to put more items, a whole bunch came falling out of the attic onto me! I decided that enough was enough and I would sell it. Luckily, my community was actually having a garage sale soon, so I decided I would sell my stuff then. I sorted the good stuff from the trash, and decided to sell all of the good stuff. I had a few lamps, a disco light, doorknobs, clothes, books and old aquariums. I set up a table and put all of my stuff for sale. Only an hour in I was doing good, but it was beginning to get overly hot, so I decided to bring out my big box fan and sit there. It seemed like people were desperately cooling air, as a lot of people hovered around the a/c unit. I decided to sell lemonade as well, and I made a decent amount of money. I made $40 in an hour alone, and by the end of the day I was at $230. Even though it was hard to let those items go, I knew it was for the best. I now had extra money in my pocket and more room. It was probably good that I had that extra money, as I had a HVAC inspection coming up soon. I was going to make a few HVAC related updates including getting new air filters. The remainder of the money will be spent on me.

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