A great birthday party

I’m so proud of my nephew! He is turning eight years old today and everybody is so excited to throw him a totally awesome happy birthday party.

We rented a party room down at the movie theatre and planned to watch his favorite movies, followed by celebrating with cake and gifts.

He was so excited and told me all about how he invited all his friends from school. When 5:00 PM rolled around we had just finished watching the movie and we all headed down to the party room. There we laid out his cake and put up balloons, and all his little friends from school and their parents brought him birthday gifts. Suddenly the air conditioning in the room came on and we were all surprised to see how much of a blast came out. The air was cool but not too cold. Wondering why so much air was going around the room, we turned our attention to the a/c unit and noticed how massive it was! The air from the air conditioning had all of our hair blowing in every direction. This cooling system quickly became the topic of the adult discussion while the kiddos played party games with each other. Then a friend of a friend stepped up and explained that he worked for a heating and cooling company and the unit we were discussing was a normal commercial HVAC system, nothing out of the ordinary about that. He did however comment that it was unusual for the settings to be turned up so high. Forgetting about the a/c, we continued the party with the kids and everybody had a great time.

Cooling workman

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