My morning workout is always a priority

Working out every day isn’t necessarily fun or convenient.

I sometimes have to force myself to work exercise into my schedule.

I often wake up tired, have a busy day or just feel lethargic, and I’d prefer to skip my workout. However, I feel my workout as essential as washing my hair and brushing my teeth. I typically complete the workout first thing in the morning and normally spend approximately sixty minutes on it. I begin with a warmup. I rotate my wrists, ankles and neck, circle my arms and lightly stretch. I slowly increase movement to finally jog and add some skipping. Once all of my muscles and joints are nicely warm and prepared, I devote anywhere between twenty minutes to the full hour on demanding aerobics. I alternate between running, biking, jumping rope, jumping jacks, burpees and any exercise that elevates my heart rate. It feels so good to work up a thorough sweat and push my muscles to fatigue. While I make a conscious effort to switch things up everyday, I normally add some weight lifting and abdominal crunches into my program several times per week. I purchased two-pound, four-pound and eight-pound weights that I lift for high repetition sets. I am hoping to tone muscles rather than add bulk. I’ve also included resistance bands in order to perform a wide range of arm and shoulder exercises. I spread out my yoga mat and lay down to work upper and lower abdominal muscles. I often focus on leg work with lunges, squats and mountain climbers. At the end of the hour, I always cool down with a deep stretch. By making my daily workout a priority, I’ve kept myself healthy, strong and active as I’ve grown older.

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