I don’t enjoy it when there are cleaning product smells around me

When you have a job with a cleaning contractor, you don’t necessarily think about the cleaning products you’ll be using.

I mean I was actually used to using bleach, oven cleaner, and numerous types of disinfectants.

When I started absolutely working for the cleaning contractor, I thought they would have the same types of products. I saw the names that I knew, however these cleaning products were industrial strength. By the end of the next week, my hands were quite dry, and bleeding. My nostrils were scorching all the time from the severe odor of the cleaning products. I went back to my beach residence every night with a painful headache. It was hard to believe how tired I was of the odor of the cleaning products. I easily felt I could smell that odor on my skin pretty much always, even after I had taken a shower. The feel of the detergents made my skin itch a great deal. I didn’t mind the cleaning products as much when I started absolutely working with the rug scrubber and the floor cleaners. I put the cleaning product into the cleaning machine and started scrubbing. The odor wasn’t as bad when it was mixed with water. Unlike the odor of the cleaning products when I was using it out of the bottle, I was able to use the machines without feeling sick with a headache and a sore throat. I don’t even know how well I’ll be able to do the task because of my reactions to the numerous cleaning products, however it pays pretty well and I’ll keep a job with this cleaning contractor for as long as I can. Even if I only make it until September, I’ll be able to get my husband an awesome Christmas present.
Business cleaning service

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