New home office gets HVAC upgrade

It’s funny that I had been toying with the idea of working from the HVAC comfort of home for the last few years.

My profession is one that really only requires a computer and concentration.

I do have to attend meetings and I have to interact with colleagues on a daily basis. But, so many of the people I had worked with in the nicely HVAC maintained office had chosen the remote employment option. With the onslaught of this pandemic, that choice was made for me. However, I think once this is over, I’ll stick with the remote work. First, I like to have the flexibility with my schedule. My wife and I have children who are preteens and they are into a lot of extra curricular things. Of course, that has been subdued this year. However, it will be really nice to be able to get the kids to and from when all of this is over. My wife doesn’t have that option in her work. So, it makes the most sense for me to stay home and work from the HVAC comfort. However, I was missing that HVAC comfort. The space that I chose to make my home office just wasn’t very comfortable. But the HVAC people made short work of that problem. They were able to come in and install a ductless HVAC unit in one afternoon. Now, my new home office has completely customizable HVAC. It all seems to be setting up for me to be working from home for the long term. And honestly, that is just fine with me.

Air conditioning repair

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