My mom said that she loves her new heater

My mom said that she loves her new heater.

I am so glad that she loves her new heater because I am the one who got her that heater.

I felt really strange getting her a new heater for Christmas, but she told me that she really wanted a new heater. I didn’t know if she was serious at first, but she kept saying it over and over. She told everyone that she wanted a heater for Christmas, but I called each one of my family members that she told and asked them if they were actually going to get her a heater for Christmas. None of them said that they were actually going to get her a heater, so I decided that I would be the one to get her a heater. I just hoped that it wasn’t one of those things that she mentioned but didn’t really want. I was afraid all the way until she opened it. I was afraid that she was going to say that she was just kidding about the heater. I am so glad that she actually loves her new heater. She said that it was the best gift that she got for Christmas this year. Of course, she didn’t tell the people that got her different gifts, but she really does love the heater that I got her. The reason that she wanted a heater was because she got really chilly around her house during the winter months. Her house has a great furnace, but it is an old house, and there are many drafts in the house. I am so glad that I actually faced my fears and got her that heater.

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