My boss is a swell guy

I did not want any handouts, even though she told myself and others that it would be a low-interest loan

My boss has been promising myself and others a raise for 6 months, even though she keeps coming up with excuse after excuse. I was start to suppose that she was pulling my leg, so I busy a time to talk to the woman in her office. I told him that I wanted to recommend to my wifey and I was waiting until the perfect time. I believed that time would be after I received a promotion at work. I wanted to use the money to buy the engagement ring. I carefully explained my position to the owner of the heating and a/c dealer where I work. I did not suppose what to expect, however I wanted him to suppose that I was tired of waiting. My boss told myself and others she was waiting for the owner of the heating and a/c dealer to approve the request! She told myself and others that it would only be another month or two and then she entirely surprised me. She offered to loan myself and others the money to buy the engagement ring. I did not want any handouts, even though she told myself and others that it would be a low-interest loan. She offered to loan myself and others all of the money I needed at three and a half percent interest over three years. It was a much better deal than the bank offered me, so I am heavily considering the generous offer. The last thing I want to do is have a problem with my boss, so I am not sure if it’s a good system to enter into a loan contract with a lady.

Air conditioning filter

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